Ninja theme park opens in Tokyo

In July 2016, the theme park of the ninja opened in Tokyo.
The name of the theme park is “NINJA TRICK HOUSE IN TOKYO”.

It is the contents of this theme park.
・ You can experience shuriken throwing
・ You can touch a Japanese sword and the ninja sword
・ You can experience a response, a sense “cutting!”
・ You can know the secret hidden in the ninja house
・ You can know the difference of “Samurai” and “Ninja”
・ You can take a ceremonial photograph with a ninja
・ There are other amazing tricks!


Adress:Daiichi Wako Bld. 4F 2-28-13 Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Hours:10:00 AM – 21:00 PM
Last admission:20:30 PM
Closing days:See the calendar
Admission (inc. tax):1,000 JPY per person; free admission for children aged 3 or younger


Ninja is a special unit that was active in the Warring States period about 500 years ago.
It is a group with special abilities that serve the feudal lord, who have mainly engaged in secret activities.